About Us

The Sustineri Consulting Group is a workforce architecture and development consulting firm based in the Greater Boston Area, MA, Greater Tampa Bay, FL, and Greater San Antonio Area, TX. We audit clients’ organizational and operational standings to design viable solutions that forecast and fulfill company and industry needs.

Our Services

We provide both integrated and stand-alone sustainability services specializing in Human Capital Management, People Operations Sustainability Management, Environmental Management Services, Ecosystem Development, and Organizational Structure. Our services include:

·      Human Capital Management

·      Workforce Architecture Development

·      Ecosystem Development Model

·      People Operations Sustainability (POpS)

·      The Flow Method

·      Synchronicity Succession Planning

·      Talent & Rewards Strategy Development

·      Mission-Critical Assessment Program

·      Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy

·      Structural Investment Program

How Do We Achieve This?

We understand the priorities, motivations, interests, goals, and experiences of your business and employees. We are passionate problem solvers who always put the customer first. Our team of experienced professionals has the know-how to help your business succeed!

We focus on helping organizations to shape equitable and inclusive cultures that encourage transformation through diversity and excellence. We also understand the importance of community development.

Our sustainability model offers security for businesses of all sizes. With our project consulting model, you get the quality support your organization needs, when you need it most. Our model is designed to give you a dedicated HR professional when there's not the bandwidth or resources in-house to handle the day-to-day HR operations, or an additional expert for a specific project or goal that required focused HR support. With our consulting models, we make sure organizations stay focused on where they should be so they can continue to grow and succeed.

Is It Time To Update Your Company’s People Operations Sustainability Strategy?

Fill out your information below and we’ll email you the 2023 Sustineri Consulting Group’s People OPerations Sustainability (POpS) Whitepaper!